About Me

Since 2023, I am a tenured associate professor (Maîtresse de Conférences) at Université Paris Cité and a member of the automata and applicatons team of IRIF.
From 2019 to 2023, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the team of Emmanuel Filiot in the Formal Methods and Verification group at Université libre de Bruxelles.
Between 2014 and 2018, I did my PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Christof Löding in the Logic and Theory of Discrete Systems group at RWTH Aachen University.
Before that, I studied Computer Science, also at RWTH Aachen University.
In my free time I enjoy taking 360° and drone photos. Have a look at my Instagram feeds sarah.tinyplanets and drone.and.sea.
Or visit my pixelfed account sarah_360 instead.
See my profiles on DBLP / Scholar / Orcid.
- Sarah Winter and Martin Zimmermann.
Tracy, Traces, and Transducers: Computable Counterexamples and Explanations for HyperLTL Model-Checkings. [arxiv]
Journal Papers
- Emmanuel Filiot and Sarah Winter.
Synthesizing Computable Functions from Rational Specifications over Infinite Words.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol. 35 (2024).
- Sarah Winter and Martin Zimmermann.
Weak Muller Conditions Make Delay Games Hard.
Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore Vol. 42 (2023).
- Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
Resynchronized Uniformization and Definability Problems for Rational Relations.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 25 (2023).
- Sarah Winter and Martin Zimmermann.
Finite-state Strategies in Delay Games.
Information and Computation Vol. 272 (2020).
- Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
Synthesis of deterministic top-down tree transducers from automatic tree relations.
Information and Computation Vol. 253 (2017).
Conference Papers
- Emmanuel Filiot, Ismaël Jecker, Christof Löding, Anca Muscholl, Gabriele Puppis and Sarah Winter.
Finite-valued Streaming String Transducers..
LICS 2024.
- Martin Fränzle, Sarah Winter and Martin Zimmermann.
Strategies Resilient to Delay: Games under Delayed Control vs. Delay Games.
GandALF 2023.
- Oliver Carton, Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot, Emmanuel Filiot and Sarah Winter.
Deterministic regular functions of infinite words.
ICALP 2023.
- Emmanuel Filiot, Ismaël Jecker, Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
A Regular and Complete Notion of Delay for Streaming String Transducers.
STACS 2023.
- Emmanuel Filiot and Sarah Winter.
Synthesizing Computable Functions from Rational Specifications over Infinite Words.
FSTTCS 2021.
- Sarah Winter.
Decision Problems for Origin-Close Top-Down Tree Transducers.
MFCS 2021.
- Emmanuel Filiot, Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
Synthesis from Weighted Specifications with Partial Domains over Finite Words.
FSTTCS 2020.
- Sarah Winter.
Uniformization Problems for Synchronizations of Automatic Relations on Words.
ICALP 2018. Best Student Paper
- Emmanuel Filiot, Ismaël Jecker, Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
On Equivalence and Uniformisation Problems for Finite Transducers.
ICALP 2016.
- Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
Uniformization Problems for Tree-Automatic Relations and Top-Down Tree Transducers.
MFCS 2016.
[full version]
- Christof Löding and Sarah Winter.
Synthesis of deterministic top-down tree transducers from automatic tree relations.
GandALF 2014.
Workshop Papers
- Alex Spelten, Wolfgang Thomas and Sarah Winter.
Trees over Infinite Structures and Path Logics with Synchronization.
- Sarah Winter.
Synthesis of transducers from relations on finite words and trees.
Doctoral thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2018.
- Sarah Winter.
Uniformization of Automaton Definable Tree Relations.
Master’s thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2013.
- Sarah Winter.
Finite Automata over Infinite Alphabets.
Bachelor’s thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2011.
Selected Talks
- Finite-valued Streaming String Transducers.
RAMiCS & AiML 2024, August 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
- A Regular and Complete Notion of Delay for Streaming String Transducers.
- Unambiguity in Transducer Theory.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Unambiguity in Automata Theory, November 2021, Wadern, Germany.
- Decision Problems for Origin-Close Top-Down Tree Transducers.
Spotlight on Transducers, MFCS, August 2021, online.
- Synthesis of Computable Functions.
Spotlight on Transducers, Highlights Satellite Workshop, March 2021, online.
- Synthesizing computable functions from synchronous specifications.
Online Worldwide Seminar on Logic and Semantics (OWLS), January 2021,
- Synthesis from Weighted Specifications with Partial Domains over Finite Words.
FSTTCS 2020, December 2020, online.
sarah [dot] winter [at] irif [dot] fr
See on my IRIF site.
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Last updated on September 3, 2024.